Tag: battery powered

  • HowTo: Reduce sensor’s WiFi communication to use 300 times less power

    HowTo: Reduce sensor’s WiFi communication to use 300 times less power

    The Problem Many devices with sensors spend the majority of time in deep sleep, wake up, take a measurement, communicate it over WiFi and go back to sleep. WiFi communication is typically the step that takes the longest and consumes the most battery power. How do we optimize our code to spend less time being…

  • 2uA Deep Sleep With ESP8266 Board, TPL5110 Timer

    2uA Deep Sleep With ESP8266 Board, TPL5110 Timer

    The Problem I couldn’t get battery powered projects to run longer than 2-3 weeks on two 3200mAh 18650 batteries. I like to use ESP8266 dev boards, NodeMCU, WeMos D1 Mini, etc. While being convenient to work with, I found that their quiescent current can be hard to ignore. Especially for projects that spend the majority…