Measuring Inductance with Arduino Nano

The schematic and code are at the bottom of the post.

The problem

While researching how to create a DIY MPPT solar charge controller I noticed that I would need an inductor with a certain value. I have a bunch of salvaged ones but had no idea what their inductance values were. I needed to find a way to measure them without counting turns and measuring diameters.


Arduino-based inductance meter using a couple of capacitors and an LM339 comparator. It can measure from just under 1uH and up to full Henrys!

Bill of Materials

  • Arduino Nano
  • LM339 comparator
  • Ceramic Capacitors (2 x 1uF)
  • Resistors (150 Ohm, 2K Ohm)
  • OLED Display (0.96 inch, I2C, 128X64, SSD1306)

The Details

Arranging an inductor and a capacitor in a certain way and pulsing voltage for a brief period of time makes the circuit resonate. The frequency at which an inductor resonates can be used to determine the inductance value. Oh Henry!

Resonating inductor wave put through a comparator
Blue line is the resonating input to the comparator and yellow is the pulsating output which we can measure with Arduino.

The formula for resonant frequency is the following, given L is inductance, C is capacitance.

frequency as a function of inductance and capacitance

Which we can rearrange to give us the inductance:

inductance as function of frequency and capacitance

Inductor’s resonance in the circuit can be converted into a square wave using the LM339 comparator and measured with arduino. Arduino has a function called pulseIn which can detect and measure pulses that are more than 3 microseconds long.

Given the chosen capacitance for this project is 2uF we can do some calculations and see what the resolution of this measurement method is at that limit of 3uS. In other words, what is the lowest inductor value we can measure.

The formula for frequency is 1 over period. Period is double the pulse width.

frequency is one over period (which is double the pulse width in this case)

For a pulse of 3uS we get f = 166,666.667Hz. In this project the capacitance (C) is 2uF. We can substitute these values into the inductance formula above:

Solving the equation results in L = 0.456 microhenrys (uH) for a 3uS pulse. That’s is the lower limit for measuring inductance using this method with Arduino Nano. That will serve my purposes just fine.

For a pulse width of 4uS we get inductance of 0.81uH.

Pulse Width (uS)Inductance (uH)
Pulse width to inductance relationship

So that’s the math involved in calculating inductance. Let me know if you have any questions.

Sample Measurements

I had two inductors with marked values. One marked 2.2 and another one 220. I am assuming those are 2.2uH and 22uH respectively. Using this DIY inductance meter I was able to get close but since they are at the bottom of this meter’s capabilities the measurements were 10+% off. I find it to be an acceptable tolerance for my purposes.

inductance measurement using arduino
2.2 inductor measuring 2.71u. The number jumped around a bit going up to 3.5u as well.
inductance measurement using arduino
220 inductor measuring at 20u.


LM339 with arduino nano to measure inductance


We need to include Adafruit libraries to use the OLED display as well as use the fonts provided by the GFX library.

Then we need to set which pins on Arduino are doing the work. PIN_PULSE for the pin that goes HIGH and LOW to saturate the inductor. And PIN_IN to measure the pulse.

CAPACITANCE contains the value of your capacitors. I measured mine with a very good multimeter and the combined value was almost 10% off which makes a difference in the calculation.

Lastly, NUM_SAMPLES tells it how many samples to take and then average out before updating the display.

The code is set up to measure at just over 2Hz. So NUM_SAMPLES = 2 updates display about once every second.

It will display --- when it’s not detecting any pulses. It will flash ~ while collecting samples and the units will automatically scale with the magnitude of inductance. For example, 2.71uH will be displayed as 2.71u, 65.3mH as 65.3m and 2.74 full Henrys will display simply as 2.74.

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSans18pt7b.h>

#define PIN_PULSE         3
#define PIN_IN            5
#define CAPACITANCE       1.83e-6 // I measured my capacitors using a multimeter
#define NUM_SAMPLES       2

// these three are needed to center text
#define DISPLAY_WIDTH     128
#define DISPLAY_HEIGHT    64
#define FONT_HEIGHT       18


float pi_and_capacitance = M_PI * M_PI * 4 * CAPACITANCE;
double pulses[NUM_SAMPLES];
int pulse_index = 0;
int num_faults = 0;
bool errorred_out = false;

void setup(){

  pinMode(PIN_IN, INPUT);

  display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);

void display_string(const char* str) {
  int16_t x1, y1, w, h;
  int16_t y = (DISPLAY_HEIGHT + FONT_HEIGHT) / 2;

  display.getTextBounds(str, 0, 0, &x1, &y1, &w, &h);
  display.setCursor((DISPLAY_WIDTH - w) / 2, y);


double calc_inductance(double pulse) {
  double frequency = 1E6 / (2 * pulse);
  return 1E6 / (frequency * frequency * pi_and_capacitance);

int get_number_of_decimals(unsigned int order) {
  switch (order % 3) {
    case 0:
      return 0;

    case 1:
      return 2;

    case 2:
      return 1;

int get_magnitude(unsigned int order) {
  if (0 != order) return (int) ((order - 1) / 3);

  return 0;

void get_display_string(double inductance, char *buff) {
  unsigned int order = (unsigned int) ceil(log10(round(inductance)));
  int magnitude = get_magnitude(order);
  int num_decimals = get_number_of_decimals(order);
  double display_number = round(inductance / pow(1000, magnitude) * pow(10, num_decimals)) / (double) pow(10, num_decimals);
  char unit = "\0";

  switch (magnitude) {
    case 0:
      unit = 'u';

    case 1:
      unit = 'm';

  Serial.print("INDUCTANCE: ");
  Serial.print(", ORDER: ");
  Serial.print(", MAGNITUDE: ");
  Serial.print(", DECIMALS: ");
  Serial.print(", NUMBER: ");
  Serial.print(", UNIT: ");

  dtostrf(display_number, 3, num_decimals, buff);

  sprintf(buff, "%s%c", buff, unit);

double get_average_pulse() {
  double average_pulse = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; i++) {
    average_pulse += pulses[i];

  return average_pulse / (double) NUM_SAMPLES;

void report_inductance() {
  char buff[20];
  double average_pulse = get_average_pulse();
  double inductance = calc_inductance(average_pulse);

  get_display_string(inductance, buff);


void report_fault() {

void report_aquisition() {

void pulse_inductor() {
  digitalWrite(PIN_PULSE, HIGH);
  pinMode(PIN_PULSE, INPUT);

void drain_inductor() {
  digitalWrite(PIN_PULSE, LOW);

double read_pulse_length() {
  double pulse = pulseIn(PIN_IN, HIGH, 30000);
  return pulse;

void loop(){
  double pulse = read_pulse_length();

  if (pulse) {
    if (errorred_out) {

    num_faults = 0;
    pulses[pulse_index] = pulse;

    if (pulse_index == NUM_SAMPLES - 1) {
      errorred_out = false;

    pulse_index = (pulse_index + 1) % NUM_SAMPLES;

  } else {
    num_faults += 1;

    if (num_faults == ((NUM_SAMPLES / 3) + 1)) {
      errorred_out = true;






4 responses to “Measuring Inductance with Arduino Nano”

  1. Ray Johnson Avatar
    Ray Johnson

    This is a great little tool. I built mine and found 1 2.2 ceramic cap that read at 2.01uF and I’m getting well within +- 10%!

    Note: The pins for the Pulse and In are not correct for the Nano I have. I had to use 3 and 5 to make then connect to D3 and D5 like I normally do…

    1. Alex Avatar

      Hi Ray,

      Good stuff, glad it’s working well for you!

      You’re right, my code pins don’t correspond to the schematic I have in the blog post. I must’ve moved things around since taking the screenshot of the schematic.

      I will fix the code to reflect pins 3 and 5. Thanks for catching it and letting me know.

  2. Vitaliy Avatar

    Can LM211 be used in this schematic?

  3. Dietmar Malke Avatar
    Dietmar Malke

    Guten Tag, mit Interesse habe ich Ihren Artikel verfolgt und habe das Projekt nachgebaut. Alles funktioniert aber die Softwar zeigt auf dem Oled Display nichts an. Es blitzt der Wert nur ganz kurz auf. Habe das Display mit einem anderen Programm getestet und es funktioniert. Nur wenn ich Ihr Programm aufspiele erscheint obiges Phänomen.
    Haben Sie ähnliche Rückmeldungen erhalten? Gibt es eventuell eine neuere Version? Ich selbst habe es mit anderen Bibliotheken ausprobiert, jedoch ohne Erfolg.
    Bitte helfen Sie mir weiter.
    Dietmar Malke

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